Click the button above to be redirected to our Google-hosted submissions form. For alternative submission methods, please reach out to us through our contact form.

The Mad Duck Coalition has simple quackteria: if you have something written up that’s academic, radical, or revolutionary (or just a little too unconventional/niche for the regular agent/publisher to take on), we want to see it!

Buzz words we love: experimental, innovative, literary, genre, speculative, new, and original—hell, even weird.

For now, The Mad Duck Coalition has three imprints: Big Ripple Books, In The Weeds Provocations, and Flights of Fancy Publications.

Big Ripple Books publishes traditionally literary narratives, fiction and non-fiction, of all lengths.

In The Weeds Provocations is concerned with long-form, non-fiction works of discovery and supposition and textbooks.

Flights of Fancy Publications focuses on speculative works of all sub-genres and lengths.

Simultaneous submissions accepted by all imprints. We do not respond to inquires about the merit of submissions.

The Mad Duck Coalition has simple quackteria: if you have something written up that’s academic, radical, or revolutionary (or just a little too unconventional/niche for the regular agent/publisher to take on), we want to see it!

Buzz words we love: experimental, innovative, literary, genre, speculative, new, and original—hell, even weird.

For now, The Mad Duck Coalition has three imprints: Big Ripple Books, In The Weeds Provocations, and Flights of Fancy Publications.

Big Ripple Books publishes traditionally literary narratives, fiction and non-fiction, of all lengths.

In The Weeds Provocations is concerned with long-form, non-fiction works of discovery and supposition and textbooks.

Flights of Fancy Publications focuses on speculative works of all sub-genres and lengths.

Simultaneous submissions accepted by all imprints. We do not respond to inquiries about the merits of submissions.

Click the button above to be redirected to our Google-hosted submissions form. For alternative submission methods, please reach out to us through our contact form.

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